Its been awhile..

Posted in My Daily Dose on July 6, 2010 by rieaxl

since i blog my life.. my feeling.. my whatever.. :p anyway, i left my rented room to move in with my momzie..

been eating alot.. great foods here but i’m cutting down also.. hehe..

i’m getting use to the life here.. Thank you.

as for dearest, he’s busy with working shift.. and overtime. sadly, time are limited when we met each other. still missing him though.. little time is never enough. how do other girls cope with it?! i’m sure to salute them!!

its just not me. been away could cause distance but my heart still beats for him. miss you bebeh…

ok. got to go.. gonna relax my eyes now.. work been a hectic lately.. with one of my supervisor being in the hospital for operation *God bless you*.. hopefully she recover well.

i can’t believe that Brazil is out from World Cup !! Lol.. don’t really follow d’oh.

ok folks.. love ya all. tata.

Kite Flying @ Marina Barrage

Posted in 27681745 with tags , , on February 20, 2010 by rieaxl

Yesterday had a wholesome of fun at Marina Barrage. Flying kites and blowing bubbles. Hehe. 😀

YUP!! With may face looking so horrible!! Haha.

The kites never flew high but we still enjoy it. Hanging out with L’il Akif and his parents too.. Soo cute..

Luckily, he didn’t cried out much for being under the hot weather.

** You go kid !! **

Anyway, I won’t be posting like long, long story cos I got too much to update. I’m so sorry but I will try to update as much as I could for you to follow alright?! 🙂

Anyway, we end our day with Wendy’s.

Well, I still thinks Carl’s Junior much better. More juicier.

Got to go lovelies.. Tata!

Vday gift for my LOVE

Posted in Motion Picture on February 16, 2010 by rieaxl


via Vday gift for my LOVE.

Valentine’s Day Date

Posted in Foodies, My Daily Dose with tags , , , , on February 14, 2010 by rieaxl

An advance celebration won’t kill right?

After work on 13 Feb 2010, we went to Marina Square to have catch a movie 72 Tenants of Prosperity, which was funny but a bit kind of boring but lunch was awesome at Waraku.

The Japanese Cuisine

Had my Salmon Sashimi and Beef Udon.

** SLURP **

Oh ya!! Not forgetting my favorite alcoholic drink..

Chu-Hi Calpis

It’s yummilicious. 😀

Nabeyaki Udon

While Axl had Nabeyaki Udon and Shishamo.

Can you see the meat of the fish looks like millions of egg??

Totally not to my liking. 😛

Anyway, after that, we walked down to River Hong Bao at the Floating Platform. So crowded!

Sorry. I was to lazy to upload the snapshot. Tee Hee.

** Thank you Axl for that wonderful date **

To all,



HAPPY (chinese) NEW YEAR !!

Loose Yourself

Posted in Interesting Ain't It ?!, My Daily Dose with tags on February 9, 2010 by rieaxl
Failure is not when your girlfriend leaves you,
it’s only when you leave her a virgin.

Tension is when wife is pregnant!
Terror is when girlfriend is pregnant!
Horror is when both are pregnant!
Tragedy is when you are not responsible for both!

The Blue Whale ejaculates over 40 gallons of
sperm when
Only 10% enters the female.
And you always wondered why the sea tasted salty?

Why is it that a girl looks down when you say I love you?
To see if you really mean it!

Why is sex similar to shaving?
Well, because no matter how well you do it today,
you have to do it again.

Wives are funny creatures. They don’t have sex
with their husbands for weeks and then they
want to kill the woman who does.

Wife: My hubby & I have, what he calls – ‘Olympic sex’.
Friend: Wow, must be a terrific sex life?
Wife:  Not really.  It only happens once in 4 years.

This week is Breast Awareness Week.
Spread the slogan
“We stare because we care!”

A loud scream comes from the bedroom
and the husband runs
in.  He sees a guy
leaping out of the window.
Wife yells: That guy just sc**wed me twice!
Husband: Twice?  Why didn’t you call me in after
he sc**wed you once?
Wife: Because I thought it was you,
until he started the second time.

What is the difference between
a chicken and a baby?
Chicken is the result of a sitting hen while the
baby is the result of standing c**k.

If a bomb bursts in a bra, what would you get?
~ Tit-Bits.
And if it bursts in a man’s underwear?
~ Banana split.

What’s the difference between a bomb & a condom?
In a bomb blast, population decreases and
if a condom blasts, population increases.
*** Hope you had fun…. =) ***

Condemned Soulz

Posted in Dark Realm on February 5, 2010 by rieaxl

To whom it may concern..

Firstly, if you say I’m making you into something shitty fool then you are wrong. You misunderstood me way too much off. Accused me of making you a middleman, Jeez, I didn’t come into my mind at all. Saying I condemn you? You really should seek some psychiatrist man.. or is it me?

My close friends of almost 4 years know me well. Even Axl know me well off as a friend first before he can really accept me as his future wife.

** Thanks Axl. I know you understand more than any other freaks here. **

Anyway, I remembered, just for 2 case you pass it to me. Why can’t you freaking put at your side and wait til you’re free to do it? You always took advantage of me cos you know that I will help. Yes. I DID help with one of it and the other is up to you. Neither you nor myself are free. You were handling some tasks with the Bs while the fucking call kept coming in to add test! Its not like write lab no and give 3rd to print and fax. NO DAMMIT!! Need to dig those fucking forms and check with lab and get back to the freaking assholes.

My main job is to answer call. 2nd main job is to call out. Have you forgotten? If I were to do all call out, the you answer all of it!

What The FUck !!

You simply take advantage just cos I sit there. Frankly, its simply unfair. If you open up your eyes, you should have known.

And wait..

Did I heard you said “Don’t want to talk with you.”

You forgotten ??

It’s still clear in my head. Isn’t there any OTHER better craft that you can point out instead of using my lines? But at the WRONG time!! So, FINE. I won’t talk to you then.

Hey! Did you complained to someone of me treating you like a middle-man?? Jeez, where’s your freaking grave dude?! I’m in not intention to treat you like one but you think of me that way. FINE!!

But did you realize that you are making the junior as a middleman too ??!!

Umm.. Isn’t that’s what they call hypocrite??

I don’t talk doesn’t mean I will not pass you things. If I need to talk, I’ll ask someone else BUT you, YOU ask SOMEONE else to pass the thing to me instead of yourself. Aren’t you making that SOMEONE, MIDDLEMAN ?? Can’t get the picture?? Here..


Isn’t that SOMEONE in the middle ??

You are doing it yourself and now you telling others its me ??



Are you joking ?? All I did was joke and fooling around to make everyone happy. My heart is NOT like you. As long as I’m laughing and still fooling around, you are still my friend.

But if  I condemn you, then I make sure you won’t get up. Cos after that I hate that person to death. So LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE ?!

My speech is bloody DIRECT. If that’s what makes you think I’m condemning you that too bad. YOU MISJUDGE ME.

Just ONE minor sentence and all washed down to drained.

You’re happy now that you are so much peaceful with no disturbance ???

I don’t be nice just to use you unlike others but this is just the way I am.

“It’s nice to meet you Sir, I guess I’ll go I best be on my way out.”


ps: being a friend and a colleague is different

FlyLeaf – Sorrow

Posted in Motion Picture with tags , on February 5, 2010 by rieaxl

Busy Buzz

Posted in My Daily Dose on January 30, 2010 by rieaxl

No kidding.

I was so freaking tired when I reached home everyday.

Sorry but I’ve yet to upload recent shots of our Thaipusam outing.

While waiting for Spy to arrive, this performance at Iluma amuses me. See her body? So flexible.

** Uncle, where you looking at ?! **

Watched The Imaginarium of Dr Parnasuss.

** BOO.. Sorry Spy if it borings you. **

Yup. It’s kind of boring. Interesting story but boring show. Hmm. What was I thinking?! Jeez. Should have watch Tooth Fairy la. I wanted comedy actually. Anyway, we head down to Little India for Fish Head Curry at Apollo. Yummy!!

Luurrvvee It !!

As you know, it was Thaipusam event..


This really freak me out at times. Very scary and is it not PAIN??

Anyway, as usual, our conversation of the past will never ends.. 😀

Apple iPad

Posted in Interesting Ain't It ?!, Motion Picture with tags on January 29, 2010 by rieaxl

Can’t wait for you..

Posted in My Daily Dose with tags on January 25, 2010 by rieaxl

The picture speaks for itself.

Still clueless?!

Geez?! Where you’re from!?!

Anyway, PARAMORE is coming to perform at Singapore Indoor Stadium on 7th March 2010 at 8pm.


In case you don’t know, the Standing Pen has been fully booked!

** LOL **

Yeaa..I’m soo excited for this..!!